
Hello peeps, I’m PhD student researching perception for autonomous driving. This site is to document my progress and allow for easy sharing. Please find a full list of my publications here.


Ph.D. Perception for Autonomous Driving

2022 — Present

Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden | Zenseact, Gothenburg, Sweden

M.Sc. Systems, Control and Mechatronics

2019 — 2021

Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

2015 — 2018

Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden


Deep Learning Engineer

2021 — 2022

Zenseact, Gothenburg, Sweden

At Zenseact I worked as a deep learning engineer in our object detection team. Specifically, I was focusing on our traffic sign recognition pipeline. I transitioned from this position to an industrial Ph.D. position in the same company.

Development Engineer

2019 — 2022

APTIV, Gothenburg, Sweden

During my master's degree I was working part-time as a development engineer at APTIV. Here I was working on a project to transform a small electric vehicle into an autonomous platform for package delivery.

Mechanical Engineering Intern

2018 — 2019

XDIN, Greensboro, NC, USA

After my bachelor's degree I moved to the united states and did an internship at Volvo Trucks North America on behalf of XDIN.